Careers with College Majors from Strong Test for High School Students

 Strong Test for High School Students: Careers with College Majors 

Questioning what careers fit you best? Wondering what courses or classes you should invest in to prepare for a college major that accurately fits you? Truth is that most high school students have similar questions about what the future holds for them. The Strong Interest Inventory, aka Strong Test, possesses answers to these key questions with its High School Student test version.

Ready and excited High Schooler

Strong Interest Inventory Success

Deciding on careers and, to some degree college too, is not a one-time decision.  It’s a chain of decisions made over your lifetime. The first step in this career process is best started in High School.  It begins by matching up your interests with corresponding jobs. By using the well-known Strong Interest Inventory, students can establish a career focus, start career planning, and initiate the exploration process – key to your career and college success.


How You Will Benefit From The Strong Test

If you are a high school student wanting answers about who you are and what the future holds for you, then the Strong Inventory Test is for you. Not only will it identify what career options are consistent with your interests but, it will help choose the appropriate college major, relevant training and other education. On top of that, you will learn about your preferences for leadership, risk taking, and teamwork which will help you find satisfaction in your work.

Strong Interest Inventory Evaluation

Strong Interest Inventory High School Test and Evaluation

Keep in mind that the Strong measures interests, not abilities or skills. It is paramount to first and foremost find a job that excites your interests. If you like a career, you’ll like going to work every day.  If you like going to work every day, you are more likely to succeed in that career.  In a nutshell, that is exactly what the Strong Interest Inventory can help achieve – careers you like and college major that fits so you can succeed.

How Are Your Results Organized?

Your final results are organized into six sections to provide you with an informative report about your career interests. The first section gives you general occupational themes by describing your interests, work activities or hobbies, potential skills, and personal values. The next section indicates interest areas that are most rewarding for you.  If you found a job you’re your top five interest areas you would feel fulfilled, satisfied and energized to work every day. The third section list of careers in the occupational scales which rates how satisfied you would be in a specific career based on your interests.

Moving on, the fourth section provides scales relating to your work style, learning style, leadership style , and teamwork style. This helps determine what learning environment is most effective for you, and what work environments you will thrive in.  Section five contains a profile summary that lists the top 10 careers that best fit your interests. Finally, the last section is a summary of your responses so you can see the distribution of your answers to all the question sections.  It contains within it a measure to determine if you “cheated” on this test – by not really answering truthfully.

As you can see, this Strong Interest Inventory Test for High School Students provides a compact 12 page report with lots of information pertaining to your high school age interests as they relate to careers.

College Bound: be ready for college

College Majors Discovery

For information on College Majors, courses, and an expanded list of careers and preparatory volunteer and job experiences, you will need to take the expanded Strong Interest Inventory for High School Students Interpretative Report This information is contained in an additional 9 pages.


In conclusion the Strong Interest Inventory should be the first and most crucial step to your search in finding a satisfying career and right college major. And, you should take it in High School so you can start exploring careers and college before its time to choose a college.  That’s hard enough.  Besides helping you find a career you’ll love and the right college major, this Strong Interest Inventory test goes above and beyond: so you can learn about your values, skills to develop, hobbies you’ll like, learning styles and environments you’ll like to work in.  Just choose the Strong Interest Inventory for High School Students, Profile or Expanded, that’s right for you.

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Our mission at OPTIM Development Systems is to provide the best tools and key services to help individuals realize their potential in their careers and in life.
This entry was posted in Career Tests, Choosing A College, College Career Testing, College Major, College Tips, College/High School, High School SII Strong Test, How to Choose A College, How to Choose a College Major, SII Strong Test, Strong Interest Inventory (SII), Test Name, Test Type. Bookmark the permalink.