Starting TestEts: Career Tests for Everyone

Reason for Starting TestEts: The Assessment Hub

After years of witnessing the personal power of my clients unleashed through “career secrets” about themselves gained from career tests, I was motivated to help more people than those that meet with meet to achieve their own personal power.  To do this, I made the collection of career tests for which I have licensure to be available online for anyone and everyone. (see choices of career tests)


TestETs Pointing you in the Right Career Direction with Career Tests

Head the Right Career Direction with Our Career Tests


Career tests unveil what I call career secrets hidden sometime deep within you.  Career secrets, as revealed by career tests, show you what is your unique and special personal power.  These career tests release your personal power as a leader, manager and executive. These career tests liberate you to apply your personal power in your professional and personal lives.   To say it another way, these career tests expose the “career secrets” within you to your success. These career tests reveal the career secrets within you to your happiness at work, in your career and, yes, even in your life. (see testimonials)

Wow, that’s a tall claim.  Yes, it is, but then I have seen my clients flourish, make happy, fulfilling and satisfying career choices and grow from manager in Denver to VP in NY with their “career secrets” uncovered by the career tests in my collection. (see testimonials)


What kind of career tests can you choose?
  1. Ability career tests uncover the innate, hard-wired design of your “engine” and even what your body unconsciously “demands” expression for.  If unsatisfied at work, one typically has a hidden demanding ability. One of these career tests provides you with a 35+page report on you . Wow, is right! (see more on ability career tests).
  2. Interest career tests reveal the work and activities you will truly enjoy and possibly be passionate about doing in your career.  It even reveals the career secret of choosing the right college and college program for your career. (see more on interest career tests).
  3. Personality career tests expose your natural style of being and doing in the world of work.  You can discover career secrets about the careers you’ll love, handling stress, communicating effectively, project managing and leading others, creating effective work teams, selling and more (see more on personality career tests).
  4. Relational career tests make known your natural style of relating with and to people at your work and in your life.  Since every job entails working with, serving and managing other people in some way, the career secrets revealed by these tests are crucial to your success.  You must deal successfully with people at all levels to be successful and these career tests show you how.  (see more on relational career tests).
  5. Behavioral career tests unearth your natural way of working and how you are adapting yourself to fit your current job.  The greater the disconnect between your natural and adaptive behavior, the greater the strain and stress of your career on you.  Learn how to be effective and in what kind of career roles from these career tests.
The type of career tests listed above are the main career tests available today.  But there are others.  The Path reveals career secrets about your purpose, mission and vision .  Job satisfaction career tests reveal conflict and stress management career secrets.  Work situation career tests present you with the main issues needing to be addressed currently in your work life. (see other career tests, including Behavioral career tests — DISC Personal Insight Profile )


There are also combinations of the Best career tests and the Top career tests.  There are only 6 Best career tests combinations. Three career tests packages are available for career decision making and career development — one for students and 2 for adults.  There are 2 Best career tests combination for leadership development. One best career tests package is for entrepreneurs. (see more about Best career tests combinations).

Top career tests
combinations are plentiful in number.  These career tests packages range in price from $70 to several hundred dollars depending on how comprehensive and thorough you choose to be.  (see top career tests packages).
My collection of career tests reveal “career secrets” to your success and happiness:  What do you want to discover about yourself?  Do you want to learn —
What you like?
(see interest career tests)
What you are designed to do and best able to do?
(see ability career tests)
What your style of working and being is?
(see personality career tests)
What your relating style is and improvements to achieve success with people?
(see relational career tests)
How much you are adapting to your current career situation?
Or some other discovery
(see other career tests)
We at TestEts truly care about your satisfaction and your success.  Contact us for help in making the right choice of career tests.  Utilize our Career Test Consulting to best understand all that the career tests tell you. Sign up for Career Coaching to make changes happen more quickly.

About OPTIM Dev

Our mission at OPTIM Development Systems is to provide the best tools and key services to help individuals realize their potential in their careers and in life.
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