Career Interests and Skills Test: Strong Interest Inventory
There comes a time in your life when you must choose a career path that fits you. This choice can be made very early on. For many though, it takes years. Why is this? Not only do you need to develop an understanding of yourself, but you need to discover what your skills are and how your skills intersect with your interests to find a career you’ll love and get in to.
The fact of the matter is, not every individual will devise a fitting career that appeases both their interests and their skills set. The Strong Interest and Skills Test is a career test you can use for just this purpose. It will provide you with knowledge and understanding of careers that fit both your skills and interests.
What is the Strong Interests and Skills Test exactly?
THIS Strong Interest Inventory test includes two assessments – one test is designed to evaluate your interests and the other assesses your skills. Obviously your interests have changed since you were five years old to now; but as you enter adulthood, typically around 21, your interests stay relatively the same for your lifetime. What changes, however, are your skills. As you acquire more volunteering or work experiences you build on existing skills or develop new ones. Therefore, this career test, the Strong Skills and Interests Test, is universal, timeless appropriate, and relatable to everyone at every age.
What Does Strong Interest and Skills Test Do?
So what does it do? This career interests and skills test asks you a series of personal and relevant questions about occupations, hobbies, school subjects and so on. You answer if you like the options or not, or if you are undecided. It is always wise not to have too may “undecided” answers. Force yourself to make a choice between ‘like’ and ‘dislike’ as much as possible.
Your answers on this interests and skills test are categorized into 6 different sections, known as ‘interest work themes’. They used to be called the Holland codes because John Holland discovered that the world of work could easily be divided into 6 primary work categories. These 6 sections provide you with information about your values, most enjoyable work tasks, typical hobbies and so on.
And How Can This Skills and Interests Test Help YOU?
Most importantly, the Strong Interest Inventory with Skills Test compares all of your answers to people who like their work. From this, they identify with incredible accuracy the top careers for you. What does this mean? It means that you get individual personal career matches rather than a list that fits into a general work interest category. Most other career tests do this. Furthermore, If you choose any one of your top 10 matched careers, you will most likely be happy doing the work for a lifetime. Of course, your skills change so you will likely want to grow that career into new avenues and niches. But, bottom-line, the Strong Interest Inventory is the best career test to choose a career you will enjoy.
How does knowing my Skills and Interests Help Me?
On top of providing you with information about your work interests, it compares these results with your perceived skills. It compares the two (skills and interests) to determine whether or not your skills and interests match up. If they do, you know that you are on the way to getting a job in the career you like most from the top 10.
On the contrary, sometimes our interests and our perceived skills just don’t mesh or
match up. This could mean two different things. First, it could mean you have a hidden driving ability. By saying “driving ability”, I mean an ability that one cannot be happy without incorporating or using in their work or daily life. Unfortunately though, the Strong Interest Inventory test does not measure driving abilities. You will need to take the Highlands Ability test with Strong Interest Test.
Secondly, when interests and skills don’t match up, it could also mean you’re not setting yourself up for getting a job in your interest areas. As an example, if you’re developing ‘realistic’ skill sets but like the ‘social’ side of work, then you’re not setting yourself up for success in that job or even landing a job you’ll like. If you are developing realist skills sets but have interests in the social interest area, you will not be developing the skills like customer service and empathy which are essential for the social side of careers.
It’s a good thing that this is an easy fix! If you are aware of a skills/interests mismatch, you just need to start getting more experiences that fit your interests so you can be more successful in your career of choice. Furthermore, if your skills and interest do not match, it shows you that you will need experiences in your interests so you develop skills that will GET into a career you’ll love.
So Why Purchase This Test Over Other Strong Interest Inventory Tests?

Strong Test: Find Careers by Interest and Career Preferences – The Best Interest Assessment and the most popular Student Interest Survey
This Strong Interest Inventory Skills and Interests Test is unlike the others because it incorporates your perceived skills with your interests. The others only match careers to your interests. Not only does the final report you receive give you career matches, but it goes in depth about why a certain career would be right for you when you choose the Expanded SII Interest and Skills Test!
So Why Purchase Strong Interest Inventory with Skills Test over others?
Not only has it beaten the test of time and is relatable, but it gives real results and answers for those who are searching for careers that would fit them! This Interests and Skills Test shows you careers that match your interests which tells you which careers you’ll love doing. Finally, it gives you knowledge of how successful you currently are at getting into a career you’ll love, and if you need to make some changes to do so. Almost every other career test doesn’t do this. The only one that comes close is the COPS3 Tests, but it doesn’t match your interests to specific careers which is okay if you want to choose from a list of career options.
Furthermore, the SII Interest and Skills Test is much more than a personality test! It gives real results and is the first step for a future career in something you will enjoy! It identifies what educational route you must take to achieve your career goals and determines how you learn best. It also helps you decide a career path for your future and directs career exploration through the different stages of your life. The only personality test that comes close is Myers Briggs Career Test. If you want it, I’d recommend taking the MBTI in combination with Strong Skills and Interest Test so you get career matches for interests and skill info too.
Who Should Purchase This Interests and Skills Test?
It’s for high school students, college student, graduates still confused, workers unhappy with occupations, and really every other individual looking to redirect the focus of their work to a career they love. The Strong Interest Inventory Skills and Interest Test helps anyone find a career they’ll love and lets them know if they are lining up your skills to get into it!
Overall, this is a highly reliable source of knowledge about what your future career should be so that you can be happy! So if you, as Confucius once said, “ Find a job you love, and you will never “work” a day in your life”, this is the career test for you.