Monthly Archives: October 2019

Would I Make a Good Surgeon?

Would I Make a Good Surgeon? We recently looked into the perfect traits of a doctor, but surgeons and specialists actually carry vastly different abilities. Let’s look at one of the differences: Persons who possess a “specialist” orientation are driven to drill down into a subject area … Continue reading

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Would I Make a Good Model?

Would I Make a Good Model? Models in the U.S. earn an average of just $11 per hour. The thrill of being famous makes it an interesting career choice, even though the field is declining. Models work in a variety … Continue reading

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Would I Make a Good Doctor?

Would I Make a Good Doctor? Have you ever wondered why doctors just can’t solve your medical issue?  They are supposed to be among the smartest people in the world, yet they can’t seem to figure out your issues. I … Continue reading

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