Convergent Thinking

Though you may never have heard of it, Convergent Thinking is a combination of aptitudes that strongly influence your life. The two aptitudes that make up this kind of thinking are Classification and Concept Organization.


Convergent Thinking test aptitude

How do you think? Convergent Thinking is a great way to understand your patterns of thought

The Classification score determines if a person is an Inductive or a Progressive thinker. These are general ways of problem solving and organization information. Process thinkers are patient with the step-by-step process of solving a problem. They work well within an already organized structure. Inductive thinkers, on the other hand, like connecting disorganized information. They see connections and relationship very quickly. Their problem-solving method is almost reflexive and they have little patience for step-by-step processes or having to explain their reasoning to others.

Concept Organization

Concept Organization divides people into Decisive or Deductive Reasoners. Decisive Reasoners are low scorers. When problem solving, they have no problem choosing the most important item or factor and solving the problem based on that “bottom line.” Rather than taking in a lot of information and weighing many possibilities, they make a decision quickly based on only one factor – the most important factor.

The Deductive Reasoners who score high in Concept Organization scorers are the opposite of this. They need to go through all the steps of reasoning in order to make a decision or solve a problem. Weighing each option carefully, taking every factor into account, and imagining every outcome thoroughly is how they come to a solution.

Ready to find out what kind of Convergent Thinker you are? The best way is to head over to The Highlands Ability Battery page and take the test. This test will give you so much more information than just your Convergent Thinking score. Then come back in a few weeks for our next blog: what happens when Convergent Thinking is applied to your life? We’ll look at the strengths, weaknesses, and the best careers for each combination of low and high aptitudes.

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