Myers Briggs Career Test tells you to Make Your Strengths Top Priority for Career Success

Myers Briggs Type Indicator or MBTIis a personality career tests suggests that your great chance for career success is to focus and build on your personal strengths.

Myers Briggs Type Indicator Career personality Test

Myers Briggs Type Indicator Career Personality Test on Personal Strengths

Quick Points about Myers Briggs personality career test on personal strengths and weaknesses : (1) Myers Briggs personality career test indicates that it takes significantly greater effort to build up personal weaknesses than strengths.  (2) Myers Briggs personality career test suggests that the quality of output from weaknesses, no matter how great the improvement, is always less than the quality of work created from personal strengths.

Let me illustrate this point. Take out a pen and sign your name on a piece of paper. Now put the pen in your other hand and sign your name again.  Notice you signed your name with you dominant, strong hand automatically.  It was easy, effortless and your signature has a personal unique flair.  When you signed with your weak hand, you had to concentrate on the task.  You put great effort into it and the quality was either elderly or child-like. This simple exercise provides a tangible illustration of why Myers Briggs personality career test  recommends developing personal strengths for career success.

Quick Points about Myers Briggs personality career test on personal strengths and weaknesses (cont’d) : (3) Myers Briggs personality career test outlines the stages of development of your personal strengths and weakness over you life span, and you develop weaknesses well past midlife. (4)Myers Briggs personality career test shows how you automatically start any project, activity or effort from your personal strengths.  (5) Myers Briggs personality career test would recommend “work around” strategies for mitigating your weakness instead of developing weaknesses into strengths since that is nearly impossible.

Myers Briggs Type Indicator Career Personality Test Introduction_to_Type_Dynamics

Myers Briggs Type Indicator Career Personality Test – Introduction_to_Type_Dynamics booklet

Let me explain.  According to the Myers Briggs Type Indicator theory, you begin life developing your “orientations”, but at roughly 6 years, you begin to develop your functions, also known as your personal strengths and weaknesses.  Your two personal strengths begin their development at age 6 and are likely at full development by age 25.  These two functions, therefore, are at your full disposal throughout your entire career. Your greatest weakness,which is typically the opposite function your dominant strength, only begins development after 50 years of age.  Therefore, learning to mitigate weaknesses is more important then developing them.  Rather  Myers Briggs personality career test suggests develop your personal strengths to enhance your career success.

More Quick Points about Myers Briggs personality career test on personal strengths and weaknesses :(6) Myers Briggs personality career test provides suggestions about how you can best apply your personal strengths in various work situations.  (7) Myers Briggs personality career test offers a list of careers that are best suited to your personal strengths.

Myers Briggs Type Indicator Career Personality Test - Introduction_to_Type_and_Careers

Myers Briggs Type Indicator Career Personality Test – Introduction_to_Type_and_Careers

What do these Myers Briggs personality career test points suggest?  First of all, you should find ways to modify your job duties to at least include the use of your strengths.  Secondly, you should take on projects and activities that demand the implementation of your strengths and avoid those that use your weaknesses.  Thirdly, and of course most importantly, you need to find full-fledged careers that require your personal strengths.  Not only will working in “best fit” career naturally provide numerous opportunities to develop your personal strengths, it also enhances your chances of career success. Myers Briggs personality career test provides information about personal strengths and weaknesses, applications of them in organizations and work setting and careers that “best fit” your personal strengths.


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