Which FIRO test is better leaders test? FIRO-B® or FIRO Business™

FIRO leadership test for leadership skills development

Which FIRO test is better leaders test? FIRO-B®  or FIRO Business™

There are two good leadership tests – FIRO-B®  and FIRO Business™ .  But which of the two is better for you, your team and  your company?  In this article we look at the factors to help you choose whether the FIRO-B®  or FIRO Business™  is better for your leadership and business needs.

What is a FIRO-B®  Leadership test?

FIRO-B®  stands for Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation – Behaviors.  It is an assessment tool used to understand an individual’s interpersonal needs and, furthermore, it’s set up to assess one’s relational behaviors.  More simply, FIRO-B®  assess how one interacts with people.

Most leadership roles require top-notch interpersonal skills. Since leaders need to possess interpersonal effectiveness and the FIRO-B®  measures just that, the FIRO-B®  is one of the top assessments chosen for and by leaders.  They choose the FIRO-B®  as a leadership test to facilitate their understanding of personal behavioral patterns with people in different arenas, situations and settings.

What is the FIRO Business™  Leadership test?

The  FIRO Business™ Test is a simply a streamlined version of original

FIRO-B Profile Chart Report

FIRO-B Profile Chart Report

FIRO-B® Test for business settings.  CPP, Inc., the current test publishers, observed the increasing needs of organizations seeking to develop their leaders and maximize the productive functioning of their teams. Since the FIRO-B®   test was never developed specifically for business specific settings, the FIRO Business™  Test was created using terms suited specifically for business applications.  More specifically, the interpersonal scenarios of the test questions and terms used in the report are relevant to business.

Related FIRO-B® and FIRO Business Posts:

Leadership Skill Test: FIRO Develops Leaders
Advantages of the FIRO Business™  Leadership Test
The Advantages of FIRO-B®  Leadership Test
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A Personal Review of Strong Interest Inventory Test for High School Students (By One)

High school Student Author

High school Student

A Personal Review of Strong Interest Inventory Test for High School Students (By One)

As a high school student, generally when I hear the word “test”,  it’s not something I’m particularly excited about; but the Strong Interest Inventory is not just a test. It’s a career test and it’s an assessment based completely on what the test taker likes and dislikes.  From your likes and dislikes, you get an in-depth description of careers and more info about yourself. That was enough to convince me to take the High School version Strong Interest Inventory.

I was in eighth grade when I took the High School Strong Interest Test.  I was curious to find out what I might end up doing for an occupation. The career test didn’t take too much time and provided me with an outline of general occupations that might suit my interests.  It was the true start to my career hunt as a freshman.

Not only has it helped me identify what courses I should be taking in high school, but it also provided me with good learning tools.  From the High School Strong Career Test, I have identified my specific learning style to be “hands on” and in a more engaging setting. This has helped me with my studies and has also led me to the conclusion that I need activities in my daily life to keep me satisfied and happy in life.

Now I am finishing up my high school career and applying the information that I have learned from the High School Strong Interest Inventory to help me find a satisfying career for life.   It outlined several career options.  It did this by matching my interests to specific careers.  I’m using this information to start my search.  I have been told that if I find a career like one of the matches I’ll like my career.  I believe that since I really like the career options that came up on this High School career test, even though there were a few surprises.

Overall, I am convinced that the High School Strong Interest Test does help.

Strong Test for High School Students

Strong Interest Inventory

It’s giving me a general idea of what makes me as an individual happy in life in general.  Beside that this High School Career Test is pointing out careers that best fit me and listing  appropriate high school courses and college majors for me to take.  That’s a lot of good info for me to find a happy career.

It is important that young adults, like me, can be happy with their career.  I don’t think its smart to just find a career that just fits your abilities or to settle for one based on the first job you get (I hear this is the most common way people start

their careers).  The big idea is that Strong  Interest Test is just suppose to help folks like you and me figure out what we need in our life and our careers to be happy!   And, we do want to be happy, right?!  The High School Strong Test worked for me, and maybe this is the career test that you have been searching for!

Oh, I should tell you too that there is a College Strong Interest Inventory.  If you are a senior like I am now (or even a college student) this is the test to take.  Its got lots of the same information but leaves out the high school information.  I just took the College Strong Interest Test for some new insights this year.

Oh, before I sign off, my mom and I found it helpful to see samples of the tests before I

Sample of strong Interest Inventory high school and college test reports

Test Report Samples

took them so you might too.  Here they are: Strong Interest Inventory COLLEGE Career Test and Strong Interest Inventory HIGH SCHOOL Career Test.  These are the exact reports I got back from the Strong Interest Inventory tests I took.  And, make sure you take advantage of the FREE session with a career counselor.  That really help me understand so much more!!  Happy Careering to all of us Millennial kids (I think that’s what they call us).

By AHO23, Denver High School Student, 2014-15


Posted in Choosing A College, College Career Testing, College Major, College Tips, College/High School, High School SII Strong Test, How to Choose A College, How to Choose a College Major, Interest and Skills Test, Interest Tests, SII Strong Test, Strong Interest Inventory (SII), Test Name, Test Type | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on A Personal Review of Strong Interest Inventory Test for High School Students (By One)

Find a Career that Satisfies Both Your Interests and Skills

Career Interests and Skills Test: Strong Interest Inventory

There comes a time in your life when you must choose a career path that fits you. This choice can be made very early on. For many though, it takes years.  Why is this? Not only do you need to develop an understanding of yourself, but you need to discover what your skills are and how your skills intersect with your interests to find a career you’ll love and get in to.

The fact of the matter is, not every individual will devise a fitting career that appeases both their interests and their skills set. The Strong Interest and Skills Test is a career test you can use for just this purpose.  It will provide you with knowledge and understanding of careers that fit both your skills and interests.

What is the Strong Interests and Skills Test exactly?

THIS Strong Interest Inventory test includes two assessments – one test is designed to evaluate your interests and the other assesses your skills.  Obviously your interests have changed since you were five years old to now; but as you enter adulthood, typically around 21, your interests stay relatively the same for your lifetime.  What changes, however, are your skills.  As you acquire more volunteering or work experiences you build on existing skills or develop new ones.  Therefore, this career test, the Strong Skills and Interests Test, is universal, timeless appropriate, and relatable to everyone at every age.

What Does Strong Interest and Skills Test Do?

So what does it do? This career interests and skills test asks you a series of personal and relevant questions about occupations, hobbies, school subjects and so on. You answer if you like the options or not, or if you are undecided.  It is always wise not to have too may “undecided” answers.  Force yourself to make a choice between ‘like’ and ‘dislike’ as much as possible.

Your answers on this interests and skills test are categorized into 6 different sections, known as ‘interest work themes’.  They used to be called the Holland codes because John Holland discovered that the world of work could easily be divided into 6 primary work categories.  These 6 sections provide you with information about your values, most enjoyable work tasks, typical hobbies and so on.

And How Can This Skills and Interests Test Help YOU?

Most importantly, the Strong Interest Inventory with Skills Test compares all of your answers to people who like their work.  From this, they identify with incredible accuracy the top careers for you.  What does this mean?  It means that you get individual personal career matches rather than a list that fits into a general work interest category.  Most other career tests do this.  Furthermore, If you choose any one of your top 10 matched careers, you will most likely be happy doing the work for a lifetime.  Of course, your skills change so you will likely want to grow that career into new avenues and niches.  But, bottom-line, the Strong Interest Inventory is the best career test to choose a career you will enjoy.

How does knowing my Skills and Interests Help Me?

On top of providing you with information about your work interests, it compares these results with your perceived skills. It compares the two (skills and interests) to determine whether or not your skills and interests match up. If they do, you know that you are on the way to getting a job in the career you like most from the top 10.

On the contrary, sometimes our interests and our perceived skills just don’t mesh or

match up. This could mean two different things. First, it could mean you have a hidden driving ability. By saying “driving ability”, I mean an ability that one cannot be happy without incorporating or using in their work or daily life. Unfortunately though, the Strong Interest Inventory test does not measure driving abilities.  You will need to take the Highlands Ability test with Strong Interest Test.

Secondly, when interests and skills don’t match up, it could also mean you’re not setting yourself up for getting a job in your interest areas. As an example, if you’re developing ‘realistic’ skill sets but like the ‘social’ side of work, then you’re not setting yourself up for success in that job or even landing a job you’ll like. If you are developing realist skills sets but have interests in the social interest area, you will not be developing the skills like customer service and empathy which are essential for the social side of careers.

It’s a good thing that this is an easy fix!  If you are aware of a skills/interests mismatch, you just need to start getting more experiences that fit your interests so you can be more successful in your career of choice.  Furthermore, if your skills and interest do not match, it shows you that you will need experiences in your interests so you develop skills that will GET into a career you’ll love.

So Why Purchase This Test Over Other Strong Interest Inventory Tests?

Strong Test:  Find Careers by Interest and Career Preferences – The Best Interest Assessment and the most popular Student Interest Survey

This Strong Interest Inventory Skills and Interests Test is unlike the others because it incorporates your perceived skills with your interests.  The others only match careers to your interests.  Not only does the final report you receive give you career matches, but it goes in depth about why a certain career would be right for you when you choose the Expanded SII Interest and Skills Test!

So Why Purchase Strong Interest Inventory with Skills Test over others?

Not only has it beaten the test of time and is relatable, but it gives real results and answers for those who are searching for careers that would fit them! This Interests and Skills Test shows you careers that match your interests which tells you which careers you’ll  love doing.  Finally, it gives you knowledge of how successful you currently are at getting into a career you’ll love, and if you need to make some changes to do so.  Almost every other career test doesn’t do this.  The only one that comes close is the COPS3 Tests, but it doesn’t match your interests to specific careers which is okay if you want to choose from a list of career options.

Furthermore, the SII Interest and Skills Test is much more than a personality test! It gives real results and is the first step for a future career in something you will enjoy! It identifies what educational route you must take to achieve your career goals and determines how you learn best. It also helps you decide a career path for your future and directs career exploration through the different stages of your life.  The only personality test that comes close is Myers Briggs Career Test.  If you want it, I’d recommend taking the MBTI in combination with Strong Skills and Interest Test so you get career matches for interests and skill info too.

Who Should Purchase This Interests and Skills Test?

It’s for high school students, college student, graduates still confused, workers unhappy with occupations, and really every other individual looking to redirect the focus of their work to a career they love.  The Strong Interest Inventory Skills and Interest Test helps anyone find a career they’ll love and lets them know if they are lining up your skills to get into it!

Overall, this is a highly reliable source of knowledge about what your future career should be so that you can be happy!  So if you, as Confucius once said, “ Find a job you love, and you will never “work” a day in your life”, this is the career test for you.

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Careers with College Majors from Strong Test for High School Students

 Strong Test for High School Students: Careers with College Majors 

Questioning what careers fit you best? Wondering what courses or classes you should invest in to prepare for a college major that accurately fits you? Truth is that most high school students have similar questions about what the future holds for them. The Strong Interest Inventory, aka Strong Test, possesses answers to these key questions with its High School Student test version.

Ready and excited High Schooler

Strong Interest Inventory Success

Deciding on careers and, to some degree college too, is not a one-time decision.  It’s a chain of decisions made over your lifetime. The first step in this career process is best started in High School.  It begins by matching up your interests with corresponding jobs. By using the well-known Strong Interest Inventory, students can establish a career focus, start career planning, and initiate the exploration process – key to your career and college success.


How You Will Benefit From The Strong Test

If you are a high school student wanting answers about who you are and what the future holds for you, then the Strong Inventory Test is for you. Not only will it identify what career options are consistent with your interests but, it will help choose the appropriate college major, relevant training and other education. On top of that, you will learn about your preferences for leadership, risk taking, and teamwork which will help you find satisfaction in your work.

Strong Interest Inventory Evaluation

Strong Interest Inventory High School Test and Evaluation

Keep in mind that the Strong measures interests, not abilities or skills. It is paramount to first and foremost find a job that excites your interests. If you like a career, you’ll like going to work every day.  If you like going to work every day, you are more likely to succeed in that career.  In a nutshell, that is exactly what the Strong Interest Inventory can help achieve – careers you like and college major that fits so you can succeed.

How Are Your Results Organized?

Your final results are organized into six sections to provide you with an informative report about your career interests. The first section gives you general occupational themes by describing your interests, work activities or hobbies, potential skills, and personal values. The next section indicates interest areas that are most rewarding for you.  If you found a job you’re your top five interest areas you would feel fulfilled, satisfied and energized to work every day. The third section list of careers in the occupational scales which rates how satisfied you would be in a specific career based on your interests.

Moving on, the fourth section provides scales relating to your work style, learning style, leadership style , and teamwork style. This helps determine what learning environment is most effective for you, and what work environments you will thrive in.  Section five contains a profile summary that lists the top 10 careers that best fit your interests. Finally, the last section is a summary of your responses so you can see the distribution of your answers to all the question sections.  It contains within it a measure to determine if you “cheated” on this test – by not really answering truthfully.

As you can see, this Strong Interest Inventory Test for High School Students provides a compact 12 page report with lots of information pertaining to your high school age interests as they relate to careers.

College Bound: be ready for college

College Majors Discovery

For information on College Majors, courses, and an expanded list of careers and preparatory volunteer and job experiences, you will need to take the expanded Strong Interest Inventory for High School Students Interpretative Report This information is contained in an additional 9 pages.


In conclusion the Strong Interest Inventory should be the first and most crucial step to your search in finding a satisfying career and right college major. And, you should take it in High School so you can start exploring careers and college before its time to choose a college.  That’s hard enough.  Besides helping you find a career you’ll love and the right college major, this Strong Interest Inventory test goes above and beyond: so you can learn about your values, skills to develop, hobbies you’ll like, learning styles and environments you’ll like to work in.  Just choose the Strong Interest Inventory for High School Students, Profile or Expanded, that’s right for you.

Posted in Career Tests, Choosing A College, College Career Testing, College Major, College Tips, College/High School, High School SII Strong Test, How to Choose A College, How to Choose a College Major, SII Strong Test, Strong Interest Inventory (SII), Test Name, Test Type | Comments Off on Careers with College Majors from Strong Test for High School Students

MBTI College Personality Test for College Success

For College Success take this MBTI College Personality Test

Looking to be successful beyond the classroom? Through the trials and tribulations of high school, some students overlook the tough difficulties that college brings. Through the well-known test brand of Myers Briggs College Test, potential students can receive information after answering questions that determine their unique personality. Through the sixteen different personality types that this college personality test offers, the students’ results will not only help him or her in college but in daily life.

What will you learn about Yourself and Succeeding at College?

To start, you will get your 4-letter MBTI code and description of it and how to apply it a

MBTI Personality Test for College students

MBTI College Personality Test

college setting.  Each letter represents a different trait with many descriptors.  For example, I is labeled introversion but it means learn through reflecting, able to concentrate for long time on solitary activity, and wanting to be an expert in something.  That just a start.  Combinations of two letters means a completely different trait. For example, NF types usually seek the right place to contribute in the world whereas SF seek to be “of service” in some way.  Obviously that’s just a quick intro, and there is so much more to find out.

You will gain many descriptors to your specific personality type.  You can use these to better understand yourself – and be “proud” of who you are.  But you can also apply synonyms about your personality to your resume to help you get a job or internship.  The Myers Briggs College Personality Test shows the recipient how clearly they expressed one preference over the other, ultimately showing how solidly their personality has developed in that area (an indication of maturity).

 What to do once the test is complete to achieve College Success?

Once completed, the test will provide information that can help a student plan his or her degree, majors, classes and adult careers. These are all critical to know to succeed at college.  The drop-out rate and course change rate, which is costly, goes up the less clear a student is about these.  So find out and make the right choice for and in college.

The Myers Briggs personality type descriptions can lead to success in your dorm, classroom and social relationships etc. simply by helping you understand what you like, how you tick, who you prefer to hang-out with, what study habit work best for you, and so on. With four letter Myers Briggs code as your personality type, you might conclude that introvert means shy and extrovert means outgoing. After reading about your personality type, you will come to the realizations that introversion doesn’t mean shy but one-on-one relating, and extroversion doesn’t mean outgoing but needing interactions and action to get energy.

Going above and beyond for College Success

The Myers Briggs College Test also comes with books (link) that can help a student gain

Use this MBTI college book to excel in college

MBTI College book for your MBTI personality

even more understanding of his or her results.   Some books expand on the College Success (learning, roommates, etc) while others provide Career information (popular and most chosen careers). To be a successful student can be incredibly stressful without the knowledge of your individual learning style, study habits and test taking skills; but to just try to understand these characteristics can be overwhelming or even confusing by simply reading them.  Therefore, it is highly recommended that you get a consultation with a Myers Briggs Test expert.

Amazingly, Myers Briggs College Test comes with a free feedback consultation with licensed Myers Briggs consultants. Yes, you read this correctly! True Myers Briggs tests MUST include a FREE consultation. Consultants offer a free consultation with the purchase of the test. The consultation is interactive and informative to confirm the recipients’ conclusive personality type, making the test more intimate and understandable. Wherever possible, the consultant will apply your Myers Briggs code specifically to your college needs so you can experience success at college.

MBTI personality test for college students

MBTI college personality test

The numerous successful college students, who have taken the Myers Briggs College Personality Test, represent the success of this college personality test. Not only did it help them in their dorms, classrooms and friends but also it ultimately helped them in their career choices and success above and beyond.

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