Leadership Skill Test: FIRO Develops Leaders

FIRO leadership test for leadership skills development

Lack of leadership skill is the cause of much business problems.  With the upcoming retirement of millions of baby boomers currently in positions of leadership, the need to develop leadership skill in the gen X and gen Y professionals to replace them is of paramount importance.

Professionals, managers and executives needing to develop leadership skills should consider the FIRO leadership test which gives specific insights in leadership style and suggestions to improve  leadership skills.  Let’s look specifically at how this leadership test can help you develop your leadership behaviors.

FIRO and Leadership

FIRO or FIRO-B measures one’s Fundamental Interpersonal Relationship Orientations by identifying specific needed and expressed Behaviors.  How does that relate to leadership?  Most key leadership skills involve interpersonal behaviors such as influencing, managing and directing the behaviors of others within the corporation. These relating skills among others are measured by the FIRO.

Using  FIRO for leadership skill development

How can you use the FIRO to develop your leadership skills?   With the FIRO, you receive specific suggestions for improving your interpersonal leadership behaviors.  Unfortunately, not all FIRO tests offer suggestions so please check samples to ensure that the one you select does.  Each of the 5 interpersonal  leadership sections includes  on average five “developmental stretches” to enhance specific leadership skills.  At the end of your report, you receive a full page of “next step” suggestions to implement action plans to facilitate interpersonal leadership behavioral development.

 Using  FIRO for Leadership Style Insights

How can you use the FIRO to gain insights into your interpersonal leadership behaviors?  You will obtain 1 – 2 pages of insights into your current leadership style and related behaviors for each of the 5 sections.  You will discover how you specifically relate to co-workers, managers, and direct reports.  Learn how you naturally handle negotiations, manage conflict, make decisions and set priorities.  All of these are key leadership skills.  As already mentioned, at the end of each section you obtain development suggestions to improve your leadership performance.

Which FIRO is best for leadership skill development?

There are several FIRO leadership test options.  The one that provides the most efficacies for leadership development is a combination of FIRO and MBTI (Myers Briggs) tests.  Here’s just 4 reasons why: (1) you obtain 2 different assessments  into your leadership style and interpersonal leadership behaviors; (2) detailed explanations of results and interpretation of these results for leadership situations; (3) suggestions on how to improve your leadership skills for various leadership situations; and (4) it is a

Myers Briggs Type Indicator Career Personality Test on Personal Strengths

relatively inexpensive report at under $100 for a total of 22 page report.  Furthermore, with these results,  you will be able to access MBTI leadership development booklet for even more information.

Select the FIRO Business Profile and Leadership Report to provide you the most information for leadership skill development if you do not want to spend the $ 15 extra dollars for the FIRO and MBTI leadership test.

Which FIRO is least useful for leadership development?

Two FIRO leadership tests only provided charts of expressed and wanted behaviors without an explanation of what these behaviors mean for interpersonal or leadership situations.   These FIRO tests are useful only if you have already received or are currently receiving training about FIRO relational behaviors.  If you are not receiving training, it is strongly recommended that you schedule a test consult to extract meaning from your graphical results.


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Career Test 101: How to select a Career Test?

Career Test 101 presents 3 ways to select a career test – find a career test based on scope (quality & cost), type, or brand name.  It is strongly recommended that you never choose a free career test since these are usually scams to get your email address.

Best Way to Choose Career Test:

Let’s start with the best way to select a career test – that’s by its type.  Each career test is designed for a purpose – for finding a career, for leadership development or style, for career performance, for conflict resolution, etc.  Decide what you need a career test to do for you.  You might want it to do more than one thing.  For example, you might want it identify your best career roles (not career matches or lists of new career possibilities) and career growth or development.

Choose Career Test by Brand:

When you select a career test based on brand name it is usually because someone referred you to a specific type of test.  It is important to do your own research when you select a career test by brand.  Strong Interest Inventory and Myers Briggs Type Indicator are two well known brands.  Each is designed for different purposes.  Myers Briggs has over 18 applications and most of its users aren’t even familiar with even 2 of them.

Furthermore,   you might be missing out on a better career test than the one(s) you know about when choosing brand-named career test.  You might be looking for a new career and only know about the Strong Interest Inventory when the Highlands Ability Battery, which was produced from years of government research, is the better option.

The last way to choose a career test is based on its scope.  That means, how much information will you receive once you complete the test.  This is usually associated with quality and cost.  The old adage, you get what you pay for is typically true.  But, you can’t just chose a career test by price.  Scope is the better option.

Select Career Test based on Scope/Quality/Cost:

How do you choose a career test based on scope?  There are 3 factors to consider when considering scope: report, interpretation, and purposes of the test.  Review a report sample and compare it with other samples.  Consider how much information is “generic” and how much of the report is specific interpretation of results.  The number of pages is sometimes an indication of this but not always.

Interpretation of results can be provided in report only or not at all.  Some reports consist of only charts.  The best interpretation by far is the test that includes a consultation with a career test expert.   While therapists and psychologist are licensed to review testing results, they are not equipped or trained or possess the experience of a testing expert.  Always opt for interpretation provided by a test expert to gain double what you read from the report.

Purpose or type is a third factor of scope.  In other words, how many applications or purposes can one test provide to you.  For example, one Myers Briggs test can produce over 10 different reports for different purposes – career lists, organizational contribution, college primer, etc or  just a 4 scale chart.  When it is combined with other types of test, like a career matching test or interpersonal behavior test, you gain career and college course information or a leadership style report from two different perspectives (and, therefore a broader scope).


Choosing a career test based on scope, however, requires more research since you usually have to review sample reports and compare findings.  This is difficult enough to do within websites let alone between websites.  Searching for a career test online base on type does not typically garner quality, brand-named career tests.  Anything less and you are subjecting yourself to un-researched, unreliable, undocumented results similar to what you find with “free” career tests.  Finding a career test by brand name, as mentioned, limits you to only that brand which may or may not produce the results, breadth, or scope  you expect or need for your situation.

What to do about the challenges:

There are very few career centers that provide career test search tools.  Here is one that does: TestEts.  We recommend using “FIND” which allows you to enter scope, type and brand among a couple of other criteria.  It produces a short list of career tests that meet your criteria.  Change your criteria to see other short listed career tests.  If you prefer to look over longer list of career tests, you might want to choose some of the other career test search tools.

Posted in Career Consultation, Career Tests, Career Tests General, Career Tips, Career Tools, Free, MBTI, Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Strong Interest Inventory (SII), Test Name, Test Type, The Highlands Ability Battery (THAB) | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Career Test 101: How to select a Career Test?

10 Top or Highest Paying Fastest Growing Jobs in New Year 2014 to 2020

10 Top or Highest Paying Fastest Growing Jobs in New Year 2014 to 2020 (via http://thecareerprofiler.com)

Not all of the fastest growing jobs projected for the next 6 years are high paying occupations. I have extracted the top 10 highest paying jobs which are among the top fastest growing occupations for 2014 tabulated by the Employment Projections Program at the US Department of Labor. All of the top paying…

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Myers Briggs Test comes with Free Test Consult

Myers Briggs Test now comes with a free feedback consultation with licensed Myers Briggs consultant.  This is the new edict from CPP, Inc. the exclusive publisher of the Myers Briggs Test.

CPP, Inc. requires all Myers Briggs Test consultants to offer a feedback consultation with the purchase of the test. The consultation must be interactive and informative and be conducted by a licensed Myers Briggs consultant.  This new development has been met with mixed responses from test purchasers.

Many Myers Briggs Test purchasers have not welcomed the change.  Some find this to be just a nuisance.  Others view it as totally unnecessary since they are taking the Myers Briggs Test as part of a school course or are working with a counselor who has requested they obtain it for their personal growth.  Others, I believe, object to it outright on the basis that it eliminates their anonymity.   A perception of anonymity exists around taking a test online from the privacy of your home.   The required feedback session seemingly exposes their identity to at least one individual which cancels out anonymity.

However, the Myers Briggs Test publishers truly have the best interests of their purchasers in mind.  There is so much misunderstanding, misperception and misinformation in the general public about the Myers Briggs terms, scales and types.  Most people do not fully understand functions vs orientations or even Extraversion vs Introversion (its not outgoing or quiet).

Furthermore, in my 15 years of work with the Myers Briggs Test, I’d estimate that 85% of my thousand+ clients have revised their MBTI type based on the verification process.  That means, that if  you were to take the test you would have an 85% chance that one of your scales was not completely accurate.  There are several reasons for this which I won’t go into now.

For those who have received the required feedback appointment with their Myers Briggs Test in the past couple of months, all have expressed their gratitude for the surprisingly beneficial information they received about themselves and the Myers Briggs Test results.

Myers Briggs Type Indicator Career Personality Test on Personal Strengths

If you would like to learn more about what to expect in a feedback consult regarding the Myers Briggs Test, please contact [email protected]

* Each Myers Briggs Test links takes you to a different Myers Briggs Testing page. Hover to find out more about the link.


Posted in Career Tests, Career Tips, Employee Test, Leadership Test, MBTI, Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Personality Tests | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Myers Briggs Test comes with Free Test Consult

Top CAREERS Right Now for 2011 – 2020

RD.com posted the top 25 jobs most in demand right now in 2011 as compiled by Reader’s Digest Editors.  These jobs are listed below with an introductory description.  A paragraph
description for each can be found at RD.com. A comprehensive description for most of the career job titles listed can be found at the Bureau of Labor Statistic or affiliated website.  To see if you would find these careers satisfying and in which you are likely to experience success, take one of the testing combinations at TestEts.com

the Top Careers and top jobs ahead for me

I can see the Top Careers and top jobs ahead for me

Each Top Career has 3 links that provide you with this information:

OOH: Occupational Outlook Handbook provides job description, job outlook, number of jobs in the economy, salary range information, training and educational requirements and so on.

RDE: The Reader’s Digest Editorial description which is approximately 1 paragraph in length.

TESTETS: Testing information to help you determine if your abilities, personality and interests are compatible with this job.


Top CAREERS Right Now for 2011

Biomedical Engineer:
Create devises using medicine and technology to . . . RDE.  Or read a full career description and salary information at OOH.  Is this the Career for YOU? Find out with career tests at TestEts.

Category Manager:
Negotiate pricing and displays of products for . . . RDE.  Or read information at OOH within Management in the Grocery Store Section though this New Occupation is available across the Retail Industry.  Is this the Career for YOU? Find out with career tests at TestEts.

Court Reporter:
Are utilized across multiple legal and corporate industries to transcribe . . . RDE.  Or read a full career description and salary information at OOH.  Is this the Career for YOU? Find out with career tests at TestEts.

Environmental Health & Safety Specialist:
Ensure the highest safety standards are established for and followed within . ..  RDE.   Or
read a full career description and salary information at OOH.  Is this the Career for YOU? Find out with career tests at TestEts.

Financial Analyst:
Help people invest their money and work in . . .RDE.  Or read a full career description and salary information at OOH.  Is this the Career for YOU? Find out with career tests at TestEts.

Gaming Manager:
Monitor all games played on casino floors and . . . RDE.  Or read a full career description and salary information at OOH.  Is this the Career for YOU? Find out with career tests at TestEts.

HVAC Technician:
Install and repair heating, air-conditioning, and ventilation equipment in . . . RDE.  Or
read a full career description and salary information at OOH.  Is this the Career for YOU? Find out with career tests at TestEts.

Study the distribution and properties of . . . RDE.  Or read a full career description and salary information at OOH.  Is this the Career for YOU? Find out with career tests at TestEts.

Lab Technician:
Supply data about patient’s well-being to . . . RDE.  Or read a full career description and salary information at OOH.  Is this the Career for YOU? Find out with career tests at TestEts.

Calculate and manage the transportation of goods and . . . RDE.  Or read a full career description and salary information at OOH.  Is this the Career for YOU? Find out with
career tests at TestEts.

Meeting Planner:
Is a great job for people with organizational abilities to . . . RDE.  Or read a full career description and salary information at OOH.  Is this the Career for YOU? Find out with
career tests at TestEts.

Multimedia Artist:
Use their creative talent and knowledge of technology to . . .RDE.  Or read a full career description and salary information at OOH and OOH2.  Is this the Career for YOU? Find out with career tests at TestEts.

Network Architect:
Design computer networks in and for . . . RDE.  Or read a full career description and salary information at OOH.  Is this the Career for YOU? Find out with career tests at TestEts.

Occupational Therapist:
Helps people with temporary or permanent disabilities to . . . RDE.  Or read a full career description and salary information at OOH.  Is this the Career for YOU? Find out with career tests at TestEts.

Physician Assistant:
Works under a MD’s supervision to provide patient . . . RDE.  Or read a full career description and salary information at OOH.  Is this the Career for YOU? Find out with career tests at TestEts.

Product Management Director:
Ensure product deliverables meet client expectation and . . . RDE.  Or read a full career description and salary information at OOH.  Is this the Career for YOU? Find out with
career tests at TestEts.

Project Engineer:
Set up and monitor effective planning, methods, and procedures that  deliver . . . RDE.  Or
read a full career description and salary information at OOH.  Is this the Career for YOU? Find out with career tests at TestEts.

Registered Nurse:
Making patients feel comfortable through administering, recording, assisting . . RDE.  Or read a full career description and salary information at OOH.  Is this the Career for YOU? Find out with career tests at TestEts.

Risk Management Manager:
Assess risks involved in a . . . RDE.  Or read a full career description and salary information at OOH.  Is this the Career for YOU? Find out with career tests at TestEts.

Special Education Teacher:
Help students with physical and mental disabilities learn effective ways to excel in . . . RDE.  Or read a full career description and salary information at OOH.  Is this the Career for YOU? Find out with career tests at TestEts.

Speech Language Pathologist:
Retrain people to speak, swallow and communicate effectively and . . . RDE.  Or read a full career description and salary information at OOH.  Is this the Career for YOU? Find out with career tests at TestEts.

Technical Writer:
Work in science, medicine, and technology fields to put complicated tasksinto . . . RDE.  Or read a full career description and salary information at OOH.  Is this the Career for YOU? Find out with career tests at TestEts.

Training Development Manager:
Conduct workshops that train (what and who) . . . RDE.  Or read a full career description and salary information at OOH.  Is this the Career for YOU? Find out with career tests at TestEts.

Urban Planner: 
Identify the best locations for parks, schools, roads, and . . RDE.  . Or read a full career description and salary information at OOH.  Is this the Career for YOU? Find out with
career tests at TestEts.

Web Developer:
Create and implement websites using various languages and protocoal for . . . RDE.  Or
read a full career description and salary information at OOH and OOH2.  Is this the
Career for YOU? Find out with career tests at TestEts.



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