Career Testing and Career Tests: Choosing the Right Career Test for You.

How do you find the right career test for you? Finding the career test is fairly straightforward if you have the right information about career tests.  Almost all free career tests are inadequate to accurately assist you (more on that in another blob).  But most career tests on the market today have been thoroughly researched for validity and reliability.  You can trust most career tests on the market today.  But choosing among the variety of career tests available is challenge today.  Let me make a few suggestions to assist you.

Brand Name of Career Test: The most common way by which individuals select career tests is by brand name.
The most common career test brand names are: Myers Briggs Type Indicator also known as the MBTI with more than several hundred millions taken throughout the world. Other brand names include: Strong Interest Inventory or the SII career test which is the most popular and longest performing career finding test on the market today.  DISC, a behavioral career test, is heavily used in corporations to determine career fit and career adapting behaviors. FIRO-B, is used for interpersonal situations such as leadership effectiveness in relationships, colleague relations, interpersonal relations and co-worker relations.

Career Anchors (online) is the best career values test available. COPS or Career Orientation Preferences System provides an inexpensive career testing option for values, interests and abilities. Self-Directed Search is another inexpensive career testing option but only for interests and leisure activities.  Thomas-Kinkaid Conflict Mode Inventory aka TKI, is among a host of other lesser known career tests providing solutions for stress, conflict, influence, team playing and so on.

The Highlands Ability Battery career test, referred to as THAB, is a relatively new career test to the marketplace and probably one of the best available today for leadership, career discovery, career management, lawyer performance and career management. But, simply selecting one based on brand name without knowing  the type of information it provides you with makes this approach unreliable in getting your career testing needs met.

People hear about career tests from their co-workers, companies, friends and colleagues.  Co-workers and colleagues share the ways by which their work and work relationships were improved from the knowledge they gained about themselves through the career test. Friends disclose how tests provided information about the best fit or ideal careers for them.  Certain career test brands become household names in companies. This how people typically choose career tests based on career test brand names.

Purpose or Reason for Career Test: The second most common way by which individuals select career tests is by the purpose or reason for taking the career test.  This is the approach I recommend most.

Purposes for taking career tests include:

(1) finding a new best fit or ideal career,

(2) developing or managing ones career by employing personal strengths, talents and abilities,

(3) making ones job more satisfying by reducing stress and conflict and improving communication and decision-making,

(4) finding a best fit career along with the corresponding college and job training that leads to that best fit career,

(5) determining ones entrepreneurial or small business management potential,

(6) determining learning styles to better master new work tasks and succeed in schooling,

(7) finding recreational and retirement activities ,

(8) resolving inefficiencies of groups with team building and conflicts with team communications, and

(9) developing leadership skills and leadership abilities.

This is obviously not an exhaustive list but certainly contains the most prevalent reasons for choosing a career test.  Using your reason for taking a career test is the best way to determine which test is most suitable for your career needs.


Type of Career Test:  I suspect that the third way by which individuals decide on and select a career test is by the type of test.  Each test measures certain factors to determine a pattern of responses which are categorized into a few areas. The subsequent career test report offers a descriptive explanation of that category. In general, career tests can be divided into two types: subjective and objective. Within these types are sub-types most often used to select career tests.

Subjective career tests are the most prevalent.  These types of career tests ask individuals to self-determine the appropriate answer.  Subtypes include career interest tests, career personality tests, career values tests, and behavioral response career tests. Interest career tests measure likes and dislikes. Personality career tests measure preferences between two options.  Values career tests typically ask for ranking of items. Behavioral adaptive response career tests, such as DISC, measures the two least and most extremes when given 4 personal descriptors.

Objective career tests are typically the most time-consuming and can, therefore, be among the most expensive although there are inexpensive options.  With objective career tests, individuals must perform tasks within a given time frame.  The degree of correct completion of these individual tasks determines their scores.  Ability career tests as well as aptitude, educational and intelligences tests are examples of objective career tests. The online Highlands Ability Battery (an extensive career test) and CAPS (a paper-pencil product from the COPS system) are two examples of career ability tests. SAT and ACT measure educational performance abilities Highlands Ability Battery along with SAT and ACT measure intelligences.


Scope/Cost of Career Test:  Some people simply make their career test choice based on comprehensiveness of career test report which in turn corresponds with cost.  Individual simple career tests typically produce chart only reports and lists of occupations and are typically available under $50. Career test packages consisting of top quality industry leading ability, interest and personality career tests produce comprehensive reports enabling comparative analysis and are, therefore, among the most expensive.  They typically include multiple and extensive test consultations conducted by career testing experts.  For such a package you could expect to pay between $300 to $1000 depending on the number, type and variety of career tests and number of consultations.  These two scope options represent the extremes.  There are also career tests that provide moderate and advanced information in career test reports as well as career test packages that range from superior to comprehensive.  Check these out as well.


Position Requiring Career Test: Finally, the last method by which a person selects a career test for themselves if by their position.  This is typically the case for Students and Executives.  Students select career tests that typically include educational information.  Some student career test reports also include information about beneficial courses, volunteer work, part-time jobs and suitable college living and learning environments.  Executives (including Directors and Manager) typically select career tests that provide information about leadership styles and leadership skills for the purpose of receiving leadership development strategies.  Communication skill tests, decision-making style tests, interpersonal relations tests are also career tests that leaders select for themselves.

All of these ways for searching for the top ranked career tests are available at  Check out the one that meets your needs best.  Get real answers so you can make real changes in your life to succeed, excel and be happy!

Posted in Ability Tests, Aptitude Tests, Behavioral Tests, Career Anchors, Career Aptitude Preference System (CAPS), Career Occupational Preference System (COPS), Career Orientation Placement & Evaluation Survey (COPES), Career Tests, Career Tests General, College/High School, DiSC Test, Employee Test, FIRO, FIRO Business, FIRO-B, Interest Tests, Interpersonal, IQ Intelligences Test, Leadership Test, Leadership Tips, MBTI, Multiple Intelligences Test, Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Personality Tests, Self Directed Search (SDS), SII Strong Test, Strong Interest Inventory (SII), Test Name, Test Type, The Highlands Ability Battery (THAB), Values Test | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Career Testing and Career Tests: Choosing the Right Career Test for You.

Myers Briggs Career Test tells you to Make Your Strengths Top Priority for Career Success

Myers Briggs Type Indicator or MBTIis a personality career tests suggests that your great chance for career success is to focus and build on your personal strengths.

Myers Briggs Type Indicator Career personality Test

Myers Briggs Type Indicator Career Personality Test on Personal Strengths

Quick Points about Myers Briggs personality career test on personal strengths and weaknesses : (1) Myers Briggs personality career test indicates that it takes significantly greater effort to build up personal weaknesses than strengths.  (2) Myers Briggs personality career test suggests that the quality of output from weaknesses, no matter how great the improvement, is always less than the quality of work created from personal strengths.

Let me illustrate this point. Take out a pen and sign your name on a piece of paper. Now put the pen in your other hand and sign your name again.  Notice you signed your name with you dominant, strong hand automatically.  It was easy, effortless and your signature has a personal unique flair.  When you signed with your weak hand, you had to concentrate on the task.  You put great effort into it and the quality was either elderly or child-like. This simple exercise provides a tangible illustration of why Myers Briggs personality career test  recommends developing personal strengths for career success.

Quick Points about Myers Briggs personality career test on personal strengths and weaknesses (cont’d) : (3) Myers Briggs personality career test outlines the stages of development of your personal strengths and weakness over you life span, and you develop weaknesses well past midlife. (4)Myers Briggs personality career test shows how you automatically start any project, activity or effort from your personal strengths.  (5) Myers Briggs personality career test would recommend “work around” strategies for mitigating your weakness instead of developing weaknesses into strengths since that is nearly impossible.

Myers Briggs Type Indicator Career Personality Test Introduction_to_Type_Dynamics

Myers Briggs Type Indicator Career Personality Test – Introduction_to_Type_Dynamics booklet

Let me explain.  According to the Myers Briggs Type Indicator theory, you begin life developing your “orientations”, but at roughly 6 years, you begin to develop your functions, also known as your personal strengths and weaknesses.  Your two personal strengths begin their development at age 6 and are likely at full development by age 25.  These two functions, therefore, are at your full disposal throughout your entire career. Your greatest weakness,which is typically the opposite function your dominant strength, only begins development after 50 years of age.  Therefore, learning to mitigate weaknesses is more important then developing them.  Rather  Myers Briggs personality career test suggests develop your personal strengths to enhance your career success.

More Quick Points about Myers Briggs personality career test on personal strengths and weaknesses :(6) Myers Briggs personality career test provides suggestions about how you can best apply your personal strengths in various work situations.  (7) Myers Briggs personality career test offers a list of careers that are best suited to your personal strengths.

Myers Briggs Type Indicator Career Personality Test - Introduction_to_Type_and_Careers

Myers Briggs Type Indicator Career Personality Test – Introduction_to_Type_and_Careers

What do these Myers Briggs personality career test points suggest?  First of all, you should find ways to modify your job duties to at least include the use of your strengths.  Secondly, you should take on projects and activities that demand the implementation of your strengths and avoid those that use your weaknesses.  Thirdly, and of course most importantly, you need to find full-fledged careers that require your personal strengths.  Not only will working in “best fit” career naturally provide numerous opportunities to develop your personal strengths, it also enhances your chances of career success. Myers Briggs personality career test provides information about personal strengths and weaknesses, applications of them in organizations and work setting and careers that “best fit” your personal strengths.


Posted in Career Tests, College/High School, Employee Test, Leadership Test, MBTI, Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Personality Tests, Test Name, Test Type, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Myers Briggs Career Test tells you to Make Your Strengths Top Priority for Career Success

The Myers Briggs (MBTI) Can

THE MYERS BRIGGS® (MBTI®) CAN: The Test that Boosts Leadership, Learning, Relationships, Careers, Selling, Teams and more

Millions of people have completed the Myers Briggs® MBTI® type TEST and know their Myers Briggs® (MBTI®) type 4-letter code.  Yet, they have failed to utilize most of the powers embedded in it, sometimes even for/in the situation prompting them to take it in the first place.

People know their Myers Briggs® MBTI® type 4-letter code, but they do not know how to
translate and apply it in their lives or at work.  They know their Myers Briggs® MBTI® type
4-letter code and yet they do not know what it means in terms of handling or
leading others, or maximizing their strengths and career pursuits, or improving
their communications or learning, or reducing their stress and conflicts, and
increasing their sales and innovations. They know their Myers Briggs® MBTI®
type 4-letter code and yet do not know how to build on their strengths and
mitigate their weaknesses.  They know their Myers Briggs® MBTI® type 4-letter code and yet they fail to improve their communications and emotional intelligence skills.

Do you?

Do you know what your Dominant Strength is and where to apply it based on your Myers Briggs® MBTI® type 4-letter code? Do you know how to improve your relationships using communications styles based on Myers Briggs® MBTI® type 4-letter
code?  Do you know how to be more effective in leading others, selling, innovating, or working on a team applying the Myers Briggs® MBTI® type 4-letter code? Do you know which careers and in which work environment you will most naturally succeed using your Myers Briggs® MBTI® type 4-letter code? Do you know how to reduce stress in your work and conflicts in your life applying the Myers Briggs® MBTI® type 4-letter code?

If you have answered NO to any of the questions above, you will agree with the statement
below: Bottom-line, there is significant underutilization and lack of comprehension of the power of Myers Briggs® MBTI® to improve everything from communications
to careers to comforts.  This has to change.

We do not need people taking more Myers Briggs® MBTI® type TESTS.  Although if you have not yet completed a Myers Briggs® MBTI® type TEST, do not waste time.  It is one of the most respected and widely used tests available on the market today and millions have already completed the world over. But, rather than taking another Myers Briggs® MBTI® type TEST, we need more people to understand, comprehend and apply the tremendous insights provided by the Myers Briggs® MBTI® type TESTS. I do just that.

Through my video or consults you will be able to USE Myers Briggs® MBTI® type 4-letter code to your advantage at work and in life.  It works simply by discovering broader insights in the ways in which and situations for which you can apply their Myers Briggs® MBTI® type 4-letter code. You will be enabled to be more effective on the job and even at home.  You can apply your insights to improve productivity, create comforts, increase satisfaction, and find fulfillment simply by knowing more fully your  Myers Briggs® MBTI® type 4-letter code. Take a MBTI® Test now.


Coaching: As a Professional Certified Coach with a Mastery level of the Myers Briggs® MBTI® type 4-letter code model, theory and application scenarios along with several other Top Industry Career, Ability, Character and Behavioral models, I am able to catapult your understanding to new levels so that you can apply the Myers Briggs® MBTI® type 4-letter code of yourself and others to your advantage and benefit in a myriad of work
situations: leadership, career choice, career development, productivity, learning, team-building, etc. Check out the four Coaching Programs at

Booklets: As a Licensed Provider of MBTI® Products I also make available Myers Briggs® MBTI® Introduction to Type booklets.  Below is a list of Myers Briggs® MBTI booklets designed for specific applications. They are divided into five categories to make it easier for you to search for a topic of most interest to you. Click on item (in blue) to receive more information.

Expand Your Self-Understanding:

Functions (Strengths & Weaknesses): Learn about your Strengths and Weaknesses from the 4 functions: S,N,T,F using Myers Briggs® MBTI® type principles.

Development (of Strengths & Weaknesses): Learn how and when you develop your Strengths and mitigate your Weaknesses using Myers Briggs® MBTI® type principles.

General Everyday Applications:

Conflict: Learn to use Myers Briggs® MBTI® type as a way to manage conflicts for yourself and for your team.

Change: Learn how to use Myers Briggs® (MBTI®) type to better respond to organizational change and life events.

Communication: Learn to use Myers Briggs® MBTI® type to better understand yours and others’ communication style for more effective communications.

Emotional Intelligence: Learn to use Myers Briggs® MBTI® type to develop your emotional intelligence for better work, personal and leadership relationships.

General Career Applications:

Careers: Discover the Career that best fits you and obtain the tools to conduct an effective career and job search using Myers Briggs® MBTI® type principles.

Performance in Organizations: Gain an understanding of your workplace preferences and how to handle stress and conflict within your work environment, and much more using Myers Briggs® MBTI® type principles.

Stress Management: “In the Grip” provides an understanding Myers Briggs® MBTI® type, Stress, and the Inferior Function as well as helps you discover the effects of stress on your personality and how to better manage your environment to reduce stressors for your Myers Briggs MBTI type.

Specific Career Applications:

Teams: Explores in-depth the six main team and work issues:  leadership, communication, change, problem-solving, conflict resolution, and stress management for each Myers Briggs® MBTI® type member of your team.

Project Management: Helps you, the project or team leader, improve every phase of your
project by applying Myers Briggs® MBTI® type principles.

Leadership: Offers a unique Leadership Map based on Myers Briggs® MBTI® type that enables the leader to chart their own course to becoming an even more effective leader.

Decision-Making: Helps you sharpen and improve decision-making skills using Myers Briggs® MBTI® type principles.

Selling: Helps you, as a sales person, better fulfill your customers’ needs, know how to approach your customers to gain buy-in, and make key selling decisions using Myers
Briggs MBTI type principles.

Innovation: Facilitates your understanding of your Myers Briggs® MBTI® type’s contribution to the process of innovation presents Myers Briggs® MBTI® type-appropriate techniques to utilize your Myers Briggs® MBTI® type strengths in the innovation process.

Learning/College Applications:

College: Describes how your Myers Briggs® MBTI® type impacts your learning style, study habits, test taking, roommate relationships, and stress in college.

Learning: Helps students and employees learn more effectively based on their Myers Briggs® MBTI® type; and helps educators and trainers reach their students in ways aligned with their Myers Briggs® MBTI® type to improve their learning.

Posted in Career Tests, College Tips, College/High School, Employee Test, Leadership Test, MBTI, Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Test Name, Test Type, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on The Myers Briggs (MBTI) Can

Starting TestEts: Career Tests for Everyone

Reason for Starting TestEts: The Assessment Hub

After years of witnessing the personal power of my clients unleashed through “career secrets” about themselves gained from career tests, I was motivated to help more people than those that meet with meet to achieve their own personal power.  To do this, I made the collection of career tests for which I have licensure to be available online for anyone and everyone. (see choices of career tests)


TestETs Pointing you in the Right Career Direction with Career Tests

Head the Right Career Direction with Our Career Tests


Career tests unveil what I call career secrets hidden sometime deep within you.  Career secrets, as revealed by career tests, show you what is your unique and special personal power.  These career tests release your personal power as a leader, manager and executive. These career tests liberate you to apply your personal power in your professional and personal lives.   To say it another way, these career tests expose the “career secrets” within you to your success. These career tests reveal the career secrets within you to your happiness at work, in your career and, yes, even in your life. (see testimonials)

Wow, that’s a tall claim.  Yes, it is, but then I have seen my clients flourish, make happy, fulfilling and satisfying career choices and grow from manager in Denver to VP in NY with their “career secrets” uncovered by the career tests in my collection. (see testimonials)


What kind of career tests can you choose?
  1. Ability career tests uncover the innate, hard-wired design of your “engine” and even what your body unconsciously “demands” expression for.  If unsatisfied at work, one typically has a hidden demanding ability. One of these career tests provides you with a 35+page report on you . Wow, is right! (see more on ability career tests).
  2. Interest career tests reveal the work and activities you will truly enjoy and possibly be passionate about doing in your career.  It even reveals the career secret of choosing the right college and college program for your career. (see more on interest career tests).
  3. Personality career tests expose your natural style of being and doing in the world of work.  You can discover career secrets about the careers you’ll love, handling stress, communicating effectively, project managing and leading others, creating effective work teams, selling and more (see more on personality career tests).
  4. Relational career tests make known your natural style of relating with and to people at your work and in your life.  Since every job entails working with, serving and managing other people in some way, the career secrets revealed by these tests are crucial to your success.  You must deal successfully with people at all levels to be successful and these career tests show you how.  (see more on relational career tests).
  5. Behavioral career tests unearth your natural way of working and how you are adapting yourself to fit your current job.  The greater the disconnect between your natural and adaptive behavior, the greater the strain and stress of your career on you.  Learn how to be effective and in what kind of career roles from these career tests.
The type of career tests listed above are the main career tests available today.  But there are others.  The Path reveals career secrets about your purpose, mission and vision .  Job satisfaction career tests reveal conflict and stress management career secrets.  Work situation career tests present you with the main issues needing to be addressed currently in your work life. (see other career tests, including Behavioral career tests — DISC Personal Insight Profile )


There are also combinations of the Best career tests and the Top career tests.  There are only 6 Best career tests combinations. Three career tests packages are available for career decision making and career development — one for students and 2 for adults.  There are 2 Best career tests combination for leadership development. One best career tests package is for entrepreneurs. (see more about Best career tests combinations).

Top career tests
combinations are plentiful in number.  These career tests packages range in price from $70 to several hundred dollars depending on how comprehensive and thorough you choose to be.  (see top career tests packages).
My collection of career tests reveal “career secrets” to your success and happiness:  What do you want to discover about yourself?  Do you want to learn —
What you like?
(see interest career tests)
What you are designed to do and best able to do?
(see ability career tests)
What your style of working and being is?
(see personality career tests)
What your relating style is and improvements to achieve success with people?
(see relational career tests)
How much you are adapting to your current career situation?
Or some other discovery
(see other career tests)
We at TestEts truly care about your satisfaction and your success.  Contact us for help in making the right choice of career tests.  Utilize our Career Test Consulting to best understand all that the career tests tell you. Sign up for Career Coaching to make changes happen more quickly.
Posted in Ability Tests, Behavioral Tests, Career Tests, College/High School, Employee Test, Interest Tests, Personality Tests, Test Name, Test Type, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Starting TestEts: Career Tests for Everyone

Career Test Discounts for Memorial Day Weekend

TestEts: The Assessment Hub Memorial Day Weekend “Sale”

Nears completion of Phase 1 which includes development, launch and testing of website and its career and leadership products for students, professionals and leaders.

Immediately following the website set up, we invited key people to take advantage of the career testing and career consulting services at a steep discount. The discount was available in exchange for detailed feedback on the entire website, career test taking process, the test clarifying materials, and the career consulting sessions.

In addition, participants granted permission to have each career test consulting session recorded for future product development. This audio-recording sessions will accompany all career workbook materials.

Soon all career tests will come with an audio recording explaining each test and providing extensive supplemental information.  Then career test discounts were made available to the public.

You still have time left to take advantage of the Memorial Weekend Career Test “Sale”.  Discounts of Career testing products are available at 75% off already low  pricing.  Students don’t miss this opportunity to discover your career at rock-bottom prices.

Phase 1 of TestEts Website Testing Phase will end May 31, 2011.

Career Test Discounts:  A few days are still left.
Take advantage of the Memorial Day Career Test Discount at


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