TestEts Is Underway

Well, it been quite a busy spring for my web tech and I as we created, designed and launched the first phase of TestEts: The Assessment Hub.

Our Goal has been to provide widest variety of the best quality assessments at every price point, including free tests, with a satisfaction guarantee along with the most career resources and consulting services. Why? Because we, at TestEts, truly care about your satisfaction and success.

Phase 1 included designing the layout and filling in content for over 80 career testing and leadership test combinations, 30 career resources, 3 testing consultations, and 4 coaching services.

TestEts contains career tests, leadership tests, team tests, student tests for career and college information, learning tests, entrepreneur tests, . . . basically every type and kind of test for career choice, career change, work performance and leadership success.

Behind the scenes, we set up an extensive shopping cart, subscriptions and auto emails. The emails contain career tips, career test explanations, recommended career steps and free career advice. The cart includes recommended items for specific test selection, easy and secure payments with PayPal and account set-up containing all purchases, calendar scheduling and access to purchased tests and products. Subscriptions include sign-ups for perpetual peak success coaching, a career tips series and online leadership development coaching tips. More subscriptions to come.

Check it out today and find career test discounts and free career tests.


About OPTIM Dev

Our mission at OPTIM Development Systems is to provide the best tools and key services to help individuals realize their potential in their careers and in life.
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